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ASP class on 11th June

We discussed what we should take 12 items to the desert island. In my group, we concluded that we needn't to take anything. However, I think we should take some useful items because we are allowed to take 12 items. I will take a plastic cup, a plastic dish, a flying pan, an army knife, matches(lifetime supply), a book, a fishing pole, toothbrushes/toothpaste(lifetime supply), a large cooking pot, a spoon, a guitar and scissors. I chose the things I can use forever as much as possible. 

ARW Blogging Assignment 6

The most useful approach to use in critically analyzing The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway is Santiago as the Archetypal Hero. According to the NP lecture, he has a mental willpower. Though he sometimes loses his confidence, he never gives up, he is never defeated and encourages himself to catch the big fish whenever he is in a difficult situation. Also the description that he fights with the big fish and sharks is interesting and implies a hero. I think it is the representative of the hero because he has the power to accomplish his mission. There is no reason why he persists to catch a big fish but this is his mission.

Blogging Assignment 5

The main characters in Old Man and the Sea are Santiago, a fisherman and Manolin, a boy who helps him.Three adjectives that describe Santiago are lonely, tough, and courageous. First, the reason of lonely is that he lost his wife and he has no friend except Manolin. Second, the reason of tough is his attitude toward fishing. He is tough not only physically but also mentally. He struggle for getting a marlin. Third, the reason of courageous is that he is never overcome by power of nature. He tries to fish without giving up hope.Two adjectives that describe Manolin are kind and pure. The reason of kind is that the boy helps the old man and go with the lonely old man. He possibly serve the old man. And the reason of pure is that he believes the old man.

ASP class on 21st May

We learned how to presentation well. The important things are "content", "structure" and "delivery". And we practiced looking at the audience one at a time. Presenter should smile, make use of presentation space, attract audience. However, these are difficult for me because if I focus one thing, I can't pay attention to the other thing. We need to get accustomed to presentation by doing it many times. I feel NP lecturers are wonderful because they are very calm and do interesting talk.

Blogging Assignment 3

The pieces of information I found in sources to use to support my thesis and topic sentence ideas for Essay 2 are as follows. The supporting piece of evidence that I found for body paragraph 1 is a paraphrase/quote from "gendaizin-no-byori 2". The information supports my thesis because it mentions why people tell a lie. The supporting piece of evidence that I found for body paragraph 2 is a paraphrase/quote from the article "lie" of wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie). There are the information of molality of lie. The supporting piece of evidence that I found for body paragraph 3 is a paraphrase/quote from "gendaizin-no-byori 2". This book supports my ideas by describing how a lie appears. It is interesting because it mentions from the side of psychology.

Group discussion on 11th May

We discussed what is the most important thing to survive in the fatal situation. I thought salt is one of the most important thing in the desert first. However, it is the worst thing. Because if we take salt, blood salinity increases and we'll want to drink water. It is very clear that salt is dangerous in the desert if I think critically. And my individual difference score is 76. I can't survive in the such situation. But if I can think more critically, I may be able to survive.

Group discussion on 7th May

We discussed who should be rescued immediately when I get into a difficult situation. At first, We discussed how we can rescue the all people. We thought we can rescue all people with the elevator and buoyancy. However, the purpose of the discussion is not how we can save everyone but what we think is important when we have to choose. Then, there were the opinions that we should rescue the younger people or women at first. I think everyone have the right to be rescued and live whether the person is man or woman, young or old. So I don't think it is fair to choose by age or gender.